Thursday, October 2, 2008

17 weeks and counting...

We went to our second doctor's appointment news yet of the sex. 3 more weeks til we find out that. This appt was just a history and exam. We got to listen to the heartbeat, too. I wanted to listen to that all day long. I almost asked her if I could take the monitor! I'm pretty sure you can get one at Baby's R Us or some place like that.

Thursday (today) my mother took me to this Consignment event in Knoxville...WOW! This place was like a zoo. They had EVERYTHING you could think of for newborns up to teens. It was unbelievable. I found a couple cute outfits and some other stuff but theennnnnn we had to wait in this GINORMOUS line. We waited and we waited....for OVER an hour. It was SUPER crazy....they had the police their to monitor over things. They have this twice a year and I'm definitely going in the spring. It was so fun. I love shopping for baby stuff.

Yesterday I finally got around to cleaning out the guest bedroom so we can start setting up the room eventually. Not sure when we will get the furniture and stuff, but I'm just glad I got it cleaned.

Today also starts a big the dog to prepare for the baby. I am a bit nervous about that because this dog is like no other dog I have ever had. He is so hyper and so all about himself. He is totally into everything and you can't leave him alone for one minute. He is a weimeraner...and 3 years old. I did some research on the internet about ways to prepare a dog and they all said to get a baby doll and practice with that and download baby cries and noises and start playing them now. So we will start that this week. I'm definitely going to cross my fingers with this one!

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