Wednesday, May 6, 2009

SOOO not pregnant anymore! :)

MARCH 10, 2009

So it has taken me FOREVER to post on here...because honestly besides not having the internet at home I completely forgot about this website!

SO....Emily Katherine Schmitt arrived on Tuesday, March 10, 2009! She weighed 7lbs 15oz and was 21 inches long. I tried so hard to have her naturally but she and I could not get her past my pelvic bone so they had to go in and get her. So she was born by C-section at 4:15pm! I was so relieved that she was finally here.


Life with her since her birth has been absolutely amazing! She's my little boo boo (that's one of her many nicknames, but the most used)! She is 8 weeks old now and she is so cute. We love to just look at her and smile at her and she finally has the big BIG smile that we love.





So hopefully I will do better at posting more pics of this little girl! We love her so much and she is such a sweet little girl. Luckily the only time she ever really cries is when she is hungry...most of the time she is sleeping! Next week we go to the doctor for her 2 month check up...I'm SUPER scared because she is gettin her shots! So we will see how it all works out....I'll let you know....

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


One more week to go! I can't believe that we are finally to this point. So here is what has been happening this month....

Last week I was put on bed rest because my blood pressure has been measuring WAY to high for the doctor's liking. So I am done working (thank goodness!) and I am dealing with the bed rest. It can be slightly boring! They were talking like they were going to induce if my BP continued to be crazy. Another thing is that I am not dilating AT ALL due to some scar tissue from a previous that would be another reason to induce.

So yesterday we had another doctor's appt with the real doc (not the NP) and she said I am still closed but effaced a little. She doesn't want to induce right at this moment. She wants to give it another week to see if I can naturally give my cervix a chance and to maybe see if I can go into labor naturally, too. So the plan is to have another doctors appt on Monday the 9th. They will check me again and if nothing has changed then I will be admitted Monday night and I guess be induced first thing Tuesday. I'm not really sure as to why I would be admitted Monday night, but I'll double check come Mondays appt. So looks like I will be right on schedule for my due date. BP was better this appt but still a little borderline high. So with all that and the gestational diabetes they will most definitely NOT let me go past my due date. Which is good...cause I am SOOOO ready to have this little girl.

We also had an ultrasound yesterday, too. They just wanted to check the fluid and her weight due to the diabetes and this little porker weighs 8lbs 8oz!!!

So anyway thats about we play the waiting game! SO we shall see....

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Finally an update (thanks Katie)

So it has been FOREVER since my last update. This is going to be a quick one because I'm not really feeling well. We officially have 6 weeks to go...I'm actually hoping to go about 2 weeks We are finally at weekly doctors visits!! I felt such accomplishment when they finally said weekly cause I know that the end is finally here.

We graduated from Birthing class last could you not! It was a very informative class and I really enjoyed it. We had that class for 3 weeks (one class a week). Tuesday we have our breasfeeding class and they I think 2 weeks after that we have Infant CPR. We were also scheduled for an Infant Care class but the darn lady wrote down the wrong date and we missed it! We were a day late....I was so upset cause I was really looking forward to that class.

Eric's parents got the rest of the furniture today (the changing table and dresser). I am super excited about that. Once we get that in place I will feel like...ok this is really gonna happen...LOL! Of course I have before but you know...its REALLY coming together.

My baby shower is February 8th and I am SUPER SUPER excited for that...I really can't believe that we have only 6 more weeks to go....

Well Emily is extremely active these days sometimes making me very uncomfortable cause I can't move as well as I could before...she seems to be VERY high up in the uterus right now...not sure what part (most likely her feet cause I can feel them), but BOY is that uncomfortable!!! But I'm ok with it! :) Whenever she is moving and you can feel something sticking out I am constantly trying to play "what part of the baby is that!" and I don't think she wants me to know because I try to feel around and poke my ever-growing belly and she then goes into hiding until I stop and then moments later she is back at it. I really think she enjoys this little game!

Anyways....I will try my best to update soon. Sometimes I just plain forget!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Our little gymnast!

We had another doctor's appointment today. This one was to get additional measurements of Emily...due to her being so stubborn the last time! They were finally able to get all the measurements they needed. We are right on schedule with our due date as usual...she is measuring 6 days behind schedule which is fine and normal. I no longer have the placenta previa!!! Which is a really good thing. They didn't tell me at the last appointment, but if I would have continued to have the previa I would have never been able to have a vaginal birth! It would have been an automatic C-Section. So thank goodness for NOT having the previa. I now have a low lying placenta. Which is ok. They have me scheduled to come back in 4 weeks to check my placenta again...which means MORE pictures! Yeah!

Picture #1 is officially my favorite picture of her so far!!! A few minutes into the ultrasound the nurse was trying to get a profile pic...but of course she didn't want us to have that right now. SO Emily thought it better to have this shot...of her bringing her foot above her head! I saw her doing this and laughed so hard....I also wanted to cry. I couldn't believe her...the nurse said "MY! What a limber little girl we have here!" So we are calling her our little gymnast! She couldn't help but show off and say "Look what I can do!"
Picture #2 is of little Emily reaching down and playing with her little feet. This was too cute. I sat there and wondered...what could she be thinking! LOL...
So that of course was the best part of the visit. The worst part was my gestational diabetes test #1. SO we sat there for the hour it took. I got my sugar tested. It was 146...which I thought was pretty good....OH NO....I failed. The maximum you could have was 140. 6 stinkin points away from passing. I was sooooo mad. So now I wait til Wednesday the 26th for my 3 hour test. I hope I hope I hope I do not fail this one...then that would diagnose me as having diabetes. Which is fine....but I would just rather not have it...ya know!?
So I'll wait another week and see what happens. I'll let ya'll know....

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thursday, October 23, 2008


We found out on Oct 22 that we are officially having a little baby girl! I am so super excited. Eric said "Uh-oh I'm in trouble!" LOL...because this little girl comes straight from me so that's why he thinks he's in trouble. The more I think about having a girl I get more and more excited. Little dresses, little hair bows, baby dolls, barbies, dress up, and eventually (but not too soon) make-up and earrings! Oooooohhh I can't wait. Eric said he was really wanting a boy so he could teach him how to play football and baseball, but now that we are having a girl its going to be pom poms and tampons!! LOL I totally died when he told me this!

So I forgot the ultrasound pictures for the second day in a I couldn't scan them to put them on here, but SOON I will post them I SWEAR! I have four pictures to show everyone and they are so cute.

So the doctors appt went well. Everything is right on schedule with the due date and the baby looks good. Bloodwork came back negative so that's a relief. The only thing is I have a placenta previa which means (from what I gathered from the doc) is that my placenta is lower than normal to my cervix. Basically right now its ok, but they will continue to watch it. It should move up over time, but I think it will be ok. Eric's sister's had this I think, so it is something that they will be checking on.

In true fashion...the baby was being stubborn this visit. She was breech and not co-operating for all her measurements. So we have to go back in 4 weeks to have another ultrasound. She is already doing her own thing and being like her mother!

So that's about it for this entry. Please check back for the cutest pictures of the baby.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Finally a picture!

This picture was our very first ultrasound and I'm finally getting around to adding it to my blog. This was the day we thought we were only 6 weeks old, but SURPRISE we were 16 weeks!

So Wednesday Oct 22nd is when we find out if we are having a boy or a girl. WE CAN'T WAIT! Let me tell you. I'm very very excited. Then the shopping can begin! YEEEEAAAAAHHHHHH!!! I can't wait to register, too.

My sister is having a boy! I'm super excited for that. My mom thinks we are going to have a girl...I think I'm more leaning towards a girl now...Eric wants a boy. Either way I'll be happy...I just want to know....LIKE'll have to wait 6 more days....