Tuesday, March 3, 2009


One more week to go! I can't believe that we are finally to this point. So here is what has been happening this month....

Last week I was put on bed rest because my blood pressure has been measuring WAY to high for the doctor's liking. So I am done working (thank goodness!) and I am dealing with the bed rest. It can be slightly boring! They were talking like they were going to induce if my BP continued to be crazy. Another thing is that I am not dilating AT ALL due to some scar tissue from a previous surgery...so that would be another reason to induce.

So yesterday we had another doctor's appt with the real doc (not the NP) and she said I am still closed but effaced a little. She doesn't want to induce right at this moment. She wants to give it another week to see if I can naturally give my cervix a chance and to maybe see if I can go into labor naturally, too. So the plan is to have another doctors appt on Monday the 9th. They will check me again and if nothing has changed then I will be admitted Monday night and I guess be induced first thing Tuesday. I'm not really sure as to why I would be admitted Monday night, but I'll double check come Mondays appt. So looks like I will be right on schedule for my due date. BP was better this appt but still a little borderline high. So with all that and the gestational diabetes they will most definitely NOT let me go past my due date. Which is good...cause I am SOOOO ready to have this little girl.

We also had an ultrasound yesterday, too. They just wanted to check the fluid and her weight due to the diabetes and this little porker weighs 8lbs 8oz!!!

So anyway thats about it.....now we play the waiting game! SO we shall see....

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