Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Our little gymnast!

We had another doctor's appointment today. This one was to get additional measurements of Emily...due to her being so stubborn the last time! They were finally able to get all the measurements they needed. We are right on schedule with our due date as usual...she is measuring 6 days behind schedule which is fine and normal. I no longer have the placenta previa!!! Which is a really good thing. They didn't tell me at the last appointment, but if I would have continued to have the previa I would have never been able to have a vaginal birth! It would have been an automatic C-Section. So thank goodness for NOT having the previa. I now have a low lying placenta. Which is ok. They have me scheduled to come back in 4 weeks to check my placenta again...which means MORE pictures! Yeah!

Picture #1 is officially my favorite picture of her so far!!! A few minutes into the ultrasound the nurse was trying to get a profile pic...but of course she didn't want us to have that right now. SO Emily thought it better to have this shot...of her bringing her foot above her head! I saw her doing this and laughed so hard....I also wanted to cry. I couldn't believe her...the nurse said "MY! What a limber little girl we have here!" So we are calling her our little gymnast! She couldn't help but show off and say "Look what I can do!"
Picture #2 is of little Emily reaching down and playing with her little feet. This was too cute. I sat there and wondered...what could she be thinking! LOL...
So that of course was the best part of the visit. The worst part was my gestational diabetes test #1. SO we sat there for the hour it took. I got my sugar tested. It was 146...which I thought was pretty good....OH NO....I failed. The maximum you could have was 140. 6 stinkin points away from passing. I was sooooo mad. So now I wait til Wednesday the 26th for my 3 hour test. I hope I hope I hope I do not fail this one...then that would diagnose me as having diabetes. Which is fine....but I would just rather not have it...ya know!?
So I'll wait another week and see what happens. I'll let ya'll know....

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